Get your drivinglicense!

To get your drivinglicense you have to pass two exams; theory and practical exam. We like to help you on your way for the both of them! We have more than 50 years experience so you can be sure that we are a reliable drivingschool!


Before you may do the practical exam, you have to have the theorycertificat. To get this certificat you have to do a theory examen at the location of CBR (CBR is the official exambureau for drivingskills). You must succeed the exam, then you will receive the online certificat.

E-learning course

To learn for the exam we offer an E-learning course. This is a book with online code. You can learn when and where you want. A soon as you think you are ready for the exam, we can make the reservation for you.
Please don’t forget to authorize our drivingschool for this. Otherwise we cannot make the reservation.

We also offer an individual theorylesson in English in addition to the e-learning course.

  • E-learning course with Book € 75,00
  • Theory exam in English € 65,00
  • Individual theory lessons € 110,- (2 hours)


As soon as you have your theorycertificat and you are ready for it, we can make the reservation for the practical exam.


We offer a special starterspackage. This includes 20 lessons and the official CBR practical exam. Your discount is € 30,-. You can use our special student app. In our app you can always see when your next lesson is, your invoices and progress.


You decide the duration of your lesson. Our lessons are always at least 60 minutes but if you want you can also choose lessons of 90, 120 minutes. Ofcours it’s also possible to choose loose flexlessons. Ideal when you just need a few lessons, if you like to pay per lesson or just want this flexability.

  • Starterspackage € 1595,-
  • Flexlesson (60 minutes) € 65,50
  • Practical examen € 305,-

Are you ready to get your driving license? Download here our registration form 

As soon as you filled it in please send it back to We will get in contact with you as soon as possible.
